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Click here for a day-by-day calendar of the Reflective Writing Unit



What I Know For Sure


Have you ever taken a minute to think about what you know for sure about life? Think about it, it's probably is more difficult than you imagine. Your first writing assignment of the year is to write a 400 - 500 word reflective piece about something you know for sure in life. You will be evaluated using the rubric attached, focusing on the content of your writing, the writing techniques that you use to enhance your ideas and the mechanics of writing. Your writing must be typed, adhere to MLA guidelines, printed and submitted to me on Sept. 9th


Click here for an example.

For the rubric, click here.

Core Values Playlist


Values are the basic beliefs that we have, which help guide the decisions and choices that we make, craft the person we want to be and determine how we want to be treated and how we will treat people and places around us.


Music is often a platform that artists use for social commentary. songs often represent the viewpoints and or the opinions that individual artists have about what is going on in the world around them.

In this unit, you will be identifying the core values that you live your life by and then you will search for songs whose lyrics express what the corresponding values mean to you, thus creating a playlist.


Once you have created your playlist, you will write a reflection exploring how the songs on your list represent values that are important to you.


Following the writing of your reflection, you will have to present to the class one song from your playlist and explain the value(s) that it represents and why that value is important to you.


The final assignment will be to write a 100 word found poem that reflects on of your core values.


Click here for assignment details


Click here for values exercise 1


Click here for reflection preparation note sheets


Click here for reflection rubric


Click here for oral presentation outline 


Click here for Found poem assignment


Click here for Found poem rubric


Click here for a description of the oral presentation


Click here for a description of the Found Poem


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